1.  But focus groups eased the fear.

2.  By selecting a doctrinal conservative with a record of compassion, the Vatican eased those fears.

3.  Frank eased my fears about not being able to speak the local language.

4.  How long had it been since she had let anyone come this close, comfort her, try to ease her fears?

5.  And a weaker dollar has eased fears about a devaluation of the Chinese yuan.

6.  Analysts said the decision by the Federal Reserve on Tuesday to leave short-term interest rates unchanged helped ease some fears about inflation.

7.  And it would ease the fears of other West African leaders that political unrest and economic deprivation would spill into their countries.

8.  And the arrests have not eased fears because no one is sure if the killers are in custody.

9.  And the balanced budget agreement in Washington helps ease fears.

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