1.  Dress dull olive; mantle bright red; pearl necklace, ear-rings and pearl bandeau in hair.

2.  To Pitt it had been the abode of his own familiar prandial Penates, and Lord Liverpool had been dull there among his dull friends for long year after year.

3.  Then he would tell himself that he owed his position in the world entirely to Lady Laura, and that he was ungrateful to feel himself ever dull in her society.

4.  I will not ask you to dine here as yet, because we are so frightfully dull.

5.  Whether she could endure the dull, monotonous control of her slow but imperious lord, — or whether she must not rather tell him that it was not to be endured, — that was her trouble.

6.  " CHAPTER LI Troubles at Loughlinter There was a dull house at Loughlinter during the greater part of this autumn.

7.  It was to be the story of a man who found life dull and his circumstances altogether mediocre.

8.  But at one point as we went along the trench there was a dull stench.

9.  For that peace we struggle against the dull inflexibility of the German Will-to-Power.

10.  Nevertheless the German, with that dull faith of his in mere "Will, " persisted along his line.

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