61.  As a defense against these threats, technical divers use a special gas called nitrox, a blend containing more oxygen than normal air does.

62.  Delta flies from only 29 cities to Kennedy Airport, about 60 fewer than American and its regional partner, American Eagle, does at O'Hare.

63.  Curiously, Sharpe contends that Harrelson does deserve a new trial, but not because he received ineffective counsel.

64.  DeLuca said the warning "doesn't make any distinction between use and abuse" and does not reflect recent scientific findings about potential health benefits of moderate wine consumption.

65.  Current law does not allow unions to organize welfare recipients.

66.  Current law prohibits federal money from being used for research that would destroy human embryos, but does not directly refer to stem cell research.

67.  Demand has something to do with it; so does frost control.

68.  Described by friends as an earnest, quiet, hard-working family man, Pearson does not consider himself a terrorist.

69.  Despite economic restrictions in the Hong Kong film industry, why didn't Chan feel the same limitations he does in the States?

70.  Currently MindSpring does not offer cable modem or DSL service to its subscribers.

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