1.  I really didn't think we could make very good friends because excessive enthusiasm would always overwhelm me.

2.  "What I've done!

3.  " I cried in my mind, "Westerners don't like intimate touch with people whom they are not familiar with.

4.  I'm done.

5.  " I didn't know if my expression looked weird but she didn't show any awkwardness.

6.  I didn't expect that I would like her so much.

7.  What's more, they don't know how to be romantic so they probably fail when paying court to girls.

8.  It was absolutely a huge surprise for me when I saw her doing Hip-pop Dancing with great passion, wearing white sleeveless garment and black miniskirt.

9.  But I have to stay in Gulou because I have a lot of things to do in Gulou.

10.  So staying Gulou could be easier for me to do things of mine.

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