71.  But he so impressed bosses they asked him to apply for the more senior post of general Marketing director.

72.  But in the hands of director John Singleton, it instead descends disappointingly into vacuous, hokey Hollywoodism.

73.  But in this case, the director of field operations, abetted by other headquarters personnel, compounded the problem.

74.  But now many of them can stand up in front of the gate and talk back to the managing director.

75.  But the directors of the museum at that time were so insensitive that they actually discouraged her generous offer.

76.  But the new rules require any directors not involved in the buy-out to obtain independent advice.

77.  But the three directors who resigned have not been charged.

78.  By Wednesday morning, however, director Henry Dean was ready to put a plan into action.

79.  Chairman Sam Smith has since resigned as have three non-executive directors.

80.  Chief executive officers and other top executives often become members of the board of directors of one or more firms.

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