1.  One day, I couldn't help asking her why she did that, she told me that, " When I entered the university at the very start, I thought it was time for me to relax.

2.  It was proved that she did quite a good job in subjects and from then on, I started to learn from them and work harder than I had done in the senior school.

3.  A primary school teacher did a follow-up investigation on 150 students, to find that students ranking between no. 1 and no. 5 in class didn't become people of tremendous promise, but those ranking between no. 10 and no. 20 unexpectedly performed excellently in work.

4.  At the same period, many scientists did numerous similar researches and discover the No. 10 Effect.

5.  Notwithstanding the fact that I did have far more time for myself, I dared not wasting it after I went to Nanjing University, for many students are superior to me in so many aspects.

6.  I did not realize a stereotype until many seniors in DII admitted having been set in such embarrassment and until the leader stressed on presence in each meeting and activity to me in private after the first assembly of the organization.

7.  He seemed to know all about influenza and said there was nothing to worry about if the fever did not go above one hundred and four degrees.

8.  ' Listening to his complaints, I did not refute him because in my eyes, girls in the south are actually more delicate and meticulous than those in the north.

9.  After that, I did not care too much about her until I was shocked by all the stuff she stacked on the desk.

10.  How did all these happen?

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