81.  Baseball enthusiastically describes those managers as characters.

82.  Basically, Gray describes his work as the concept of tying the power of a network of computers into a crash-resistant megacomputer.

83.  Balon described the estrangement as unfortunate.

84.  Berger described Hotung as an expert on China and said it was appropriate for him to meet someone with his knowledge and background in Asia.

85.  Because there was no history of discriminatory hiring by the school board, neither side ever tried to describe the action as a remedy for past discrimination.

86.  Between hen-yelping and owl-hooting from one vantage point after another, Benefield described turkey hunting as a battle of wits between man and bird.

87.  Bhutto described the investigation as a persecution.

88.  Both companies described the deal as a merger of equals, but American Home Products was, in effect, purchasing Monsanto.

89.  Both sets of parents described their daughters as believers in forgiveness.

90.  Both the Museum of Modern Art and the Art Gallery of Ontario originally described the defacements as accidents.

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