1.  As a starting point, crime is defined as actions which are contrary to criminal law.

2.  Though not all laws are enforced with equal vigour, criminal law defines crime as it is officially recognized.

3.  Can you define the crime more precisely?

4.  Both times, it significantly broadened the offenses that lead to mandatory deportation, but the two laws defined those crimes differently.

5.  But since jurisdictions define hate crimes differently and reporting is voluntary, White House officials cautioned that those numbers were unreliable.

6.  In May, it tossed out a new law to encourage foreign investment and another that would have defined political crimes as basically armed insurrection.

7.  In some instances, even the Chinese police have struggled to define the crimes, resulting in long detentions without clear charges or a trial.

8.  It defines the crime of extremism more fully, and sets out tougher punishments for those convicted of it.

9.  Others are hesitant to make their laws defining various crimes exactly congruent with those of other European countries.

10.  The bill would also add sexual orientation, gender and disability to the list of motivations that define hate crimes.

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