21.  Buddy Ryan gave him the best defense ever assembled.

22.  But defense testimony showed that Plympton partook in escalating verbal potshots.

23.  But defenses, especially weapons, now offered a wider array of choices.

24.  But if it is defense that lights your fire, the Sooners always had the spark.

25.  But in the second trial, Weisberg denied the defense that argument and thus helped to ensure the guilty verdicts.

26.  But it could have strategic value for a defense team facing the biggest case filed against an Aberdeen soldier to date.

27.  But the defense came on strong in the playoffs.

28.  But the defense clearly hopes that jurors will draw that inference.

29.  But there were also a boatload of questions about his defense, maturity and ability to get along in the clubhouse.

30.  But you and I always will be the final defense against food poisoning for ourselves, our families and our friends.

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