31.  A few days before the midair save, another orb had been successfully recovered after a gentle landing in the sea.

32.  A few days in bed will soon put you right.

33.  A few days later Anderson talked with three of the hard-core leaders.

34.  A few days later everyone knew the chilling truth.

35.  A few days later he received a summons to interrogation by one of these officers, which he refused to attend.

36.  A few days later I found some use-them-once plastic hypodermics in the medicine cabinet.

37.  A few days later the few uneven patches were shaped up with a second mowing, with the greatest of ease.

38.  A few days later, an angry letter to the editor ran in the New York Post.

39.  A few days later, another band of Apaches came through and found one of the dead soldiers.

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