1.  We were expecting the day's coming.

2.  The day before yesterday, we have the Shao Nan Shao Numagazine .

3.  But there's a man haven't this right, he is on tenterhooks every day.

4.  When the Spring Festival comes, People will clean their house together, and buy some food , new coats, and on that day, the children will have their new coats, new shoes with their parents go to the others home, say to them" Happy New Year", then the aunts or uncles will give money to the children, the children will be very happy.

5.  When in these days we often talk about this question, some people have bought he "Lei Yu" book, and read it.

6.  Several days ago, I read a newspaper, there's a piece of news on it , it said: " Six years ago there's three women used their blood blood to pretend our country's money, then Miss Bai Hai zi's daughter became a poor .

7.  When we got to the hospital, we saw Miss Yang was looking after her daughter, we learned that Miss Yang hadn't been in bed for a day .

8.  Plant flowers is a knowledge, we must water them every day and apply fertilizer properly .

9.  It's really a got day.

10.  This Wednesday was a good day.

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