1.  They are transferable and pupils should be encouraged to create keyword maps as part of any information handling situation -- even exam revision.

2.  Also, Islamic parties that have joined the system are under the same pressure to create jobs as secular parties.

3.  Boca Raton, created this recipe as an appetizer at the tony new seafood restaurant.

4.  But in the North, population movements created segregated schools as poor blacks and Hispanic people moved to cities and middle-class whites abandoned them for the suburbs.

5.  English confessed that he had created his version as a joke.

6.  He also later worked in the laboratory, helping to improve old forms of makeup and creating new ones as film technology evolved.

7.  He created pseudonyms as ostensible authors and kept his writers anonymous, to secure his exclusive control of the franchise.

8.  He has been methodically creating an image as an alternative to the Democrats.

9.  He created the National Economic Council as a counterpart to the National Security Council, and asked Rubin to be its first head.

10.  He started to create clones as a hobby, learning to cook along the way.

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