1.  We recommend that nephrologists consider the possibility of pancreatic involvement in this disease.

2.  We consider the possibility of formation of an unconventional spin density wave (USDW) in quasi-one-dimensional electronic systems.

3.  In particular, we consider the possibility of deducing the two-particle weight factor from the experimental data.

4.  We consider the possibility of altering the ¡°choking??

5.  The possibilities are considered of using data on the liquid-vapor equilibrium for analyzing the pervaporation process.

6.  We also considered the possibility that HHO1 was involved in forming the heterochromatin at telomeres.

7.  The possibilities are considered of amplifying light in a mixture by solar pumping.

8.  We consider the possibility that quark-gluonic degrees of freedom contribute explicity to many-body correlations and forces in nuclei.

9.  We have recently considered the possibility that this discrepancy arises because force balance requirements at the entanglement nodes are ignored in the classical theory.

10.  Our findings indicate that patients with uremia should be closely followed considering the possibility that persistent or recurrent HPT may occur after parathyroidectomy.

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