1.  A bill pending in Congress would deregulate electricity sales nationwide.

2.  A bipartisan drive to change the rules for financing federal campaigns is running into stiff resistance from veteran members of Congress.

3.  A debate is raging now in finance circles and Congress over whether the value of derivatives should be recorded in corporate books.

4.  A hushed congress heard the official Declaration of war.

5.  A joint central committee and joint congresses endeavoured to secure some co-ordination.

6.  A majority of voters think he should resign his seat in Congress.

7.  A number of members of Congress have begun talking about Social Security and introducing reform legislation.

8.  A piece of good news for Bill Clinton in Congress was followed, in short order, by the opposite.

9.  A rational Congress would move quickly to close the gun show loophole.

10.  A sense of congress resolution requires only a simple majority.

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