31.  All these concerns need to be brought out into the open.

32.  All this is really quite trivial compared to my real concern.

33.  All those who believe that a free press is a prerequisite of a democracy have cause for concern here.

34.  Alongside the clinical concerns there has been significant progress in our understanding of the molecular genetics.

35.  Also of concern is not only the cost but the amount of fossil energy subsidy required for intensive agriculture.

36.  Americans put international terrorism high on the list of their greatest concerns.

37.  Among voters, the longing for the consumer society is mixed with concern about the costs of a Market shock-treatment.

38.  An anecdote could be cited as a means of setting the tone of area of concern.

39.  An increase in cotton exports would leave even lower stockpiles, raising concern about available supply.

40.  An intense concern for human rights links the two poets.

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