1.  Concentration of ownership increased both within particular media, from national daily papers to local radio, and between them.

2.  Conversely, in acidemia, the extracellular hydrogen ion concentration increases.

3.  The biliary bicarbonate concentration increased significantly in all doses examined but not in a dose-dependent fashion.

4.  The plasma gastrin concentrations increased from group to group as expected from the dose given.

5.  On the other hand, bilirubin concentration increases with the severity of liver cirrhosis and, in fact, is one of the variables used to evaluate this severity.

6.  Though the gastrin concentration increased with increasing gastrin releasing peptide infusion rates, the four groups of subjects showed the same pattern of response at each infusion rate.

7.  GABA concentrations increased in both hippocampi during and after the seizure.

8.  When winds are light, ozone concentrations can increase to levels that irritate the eyes and throat and damage vegetation.

9.  When winds are light, ozone concentrations increase to levels that damage vegetation and irritate the eyes and throat.

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