91.  Under French law, a judge can order the police to establish who committed a crime.

92.  Another that won broad bipartisan approval on friday would crack down on illegal aliens who commit crimes, including deporting them promptly once they are released.

93.  As part of his juvenile-justice package, Bush increased the penalties for minors committing crimes with a gun.

94.  As mayor, Giuliani initiated a computerized crime-recording system known as Compstat to report daily statistics of when and where crimes were being committed.

95.  As more and younger people began to commit crimes that were increasingly serious, Family Court evolved into a quasi-criminal court.

96.  At a news conference later in the day, with his wife no longer at his side, Newton continued to say he committed no crime.

97.  At his hearing Monday afternoon, Roffman said greed led him to commit the crimes.

98.  Assistant Jackson County Prosecutor David Fry said he could not recall another case in which a defendant awaiting trial removed a monitor and committed another crime.

99.  At the same time, the improved health of older people in general means that more of them are committing crimes and then living out their lives in prison.

100.  At the time I was committing those crimes, getting into trouble, I was dating one of the head honchos of the gang.

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