1.  A board was nominated to run each industry as a viable commercial enterprise.

2.  A commercial filtering medium now on the Market combines activated carbon and an ion exchange resin.

3.  A more selective approach to underwriting Commercial motor business has also been adopted following adverse experience on major fleets.

4.  A new report suggests the commercial traffic in death and destruction is moving from south to north.

5.  A product like this should do well in the commercial Market.

6.  A real love song is infinitely more appropriate for Christmas than a trashy song cooked up as a commercial gimmick.

7.  A review of contingency fees was undertaken and research on commercial legal expenses insurance was published.

8.  A submarine would have to lay a long cable right alongside the commercial cable and then pick up the traffic by induction.

9.  A third area where law has facilitated commercial activity is dispute settlement.

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