51.  Any solution they come up with, the researchers said, may also be useful on earth for travelers suffering from jet lag and for workers with difficult shifts.

52.  DeGrasse's decision, if upheld, would ensure that the day of reckoning comes sooner rather than later.

53.  Deifying children patronizingly, as in Bernardo Bertolucci's silly "Little Buddha," comes easily to adults.

54.  Deilmann, whose company is based in the Baltic port of Neustadt, about 50 miles northeast of Hamburg, said the passengers came from many regions of Germany.

55.  Deitcher first came across 19th-century studio photographs of men posing in pairs about a decade ago.

56.  Del Erickson shares a favorite family recipe that came from the 1940 "Greater American Cook Book."

57.  Del Regato came to the United States in 1939 and worked briefly at the Chicago Tumor Institute.

58.  Delaney said no news is imminent about a new sports team coming to town.

59.  Delaware, home to Du Pont, came in first.

60.  DeRosa came to spring training this year with a relaxed attitude and a refined hitting approach.

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