1.  Among the Democrats, no clear favorite has emerged among several candidates for governor.

2.  Among the panelists were MTV video jockey Ananda Lewis and singer Brian McKnight, but Mourning was the clear favorite to the mostly student audience.

3.  And in a season that has no clear favorite, the slightest edge could be the difference.

4.  And while Kwan is the clear favorite, because of her rich, artistic presentation, Lipinski does have a certain knack for coming through in the clutch.

5.  - The Derby campaign will begin with no clear favorite.

6.  A few clear favorites may have emerged, but the only thing the professional handicappers agree upon is that this is one Oscar race in which anything could happen.

7.  After Mueller emerged as the clear favorite for the job last month, the White House had second thoughts, sources said.

8.  Bucaram, a populist, mango-selling millionaire is in a tight race with Guayaquil lawyer Jaime Nebot, the clear favorite among the business community.

9.  But at full strength, Chicago is the clear favorite to win its fifth title.

10.  But for a better analogy, refer to Todd Eldredge, the clear favorite to win the U.S. figure skating national championships this winter in San Jose.

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