1.  As a critic, he carefully positioned himself between the traditional and the experimental.

2.  Deka's Vetter said his company was looking at Postbank carefully.

3.  Depending on how carefully it's treated, videotape can remain watchable for anywhere from five to 30 years.

4.  Despite a carefully agreed-upon schedule to set up and prepare the stage, Sarah would not stop.

5.  DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION (Moved in "p" category) DEM-LOBBYISTS-NYT _ Democratic lobbyists are carefully hedging their bets.

6.  Cut down the plant as close to the ground as possible, and dispose of the debris carefully, because even dead and dying poison ivy is toxic.

7.  CVN-BAXTER _Seeing Jesse Jackson on the podium at the convention recalls a time when protests were not the carefully choreographed affairs unfolding here in Los Angeles.

8.  Despite Bill Clinton's distinguished gray hair and carefully tailored suits, people still are aware that he's an acknowledged adulterer.

9.  Despite California's law against workplace smoking, a few restaurants and bars are inviting smokers to light up in special lounges carefully segregated from nonsmokers.

10.  Czarlinsky recommends that travelers choose tour guides carefully in Israel.

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