81.  As a senior research fellow, he has made a second career of writing, lecturing and teaching philosophy.

82.  As he would have a police pension he knew he would have a base salary while he set up his new career.

83.  As stated in Chapter l, the managers embarked on their new careers focusing on the rights and privileges of management.

84.  As such, a career in local government offers a challenge and opportunity to make a positive contribution to society.

85.  As women increasingly spend some of their Married lives in careers, it follows also that they have more economic power.

86.  As young adults, each trains successfully for a professional career and enters that career.

87.  At one point in his career he became interested in toxoplasmosis and shortly thereafter developed a diagnostic dye test for the disease.

88.  At the end of the line, the local authority careers service is called in to rescue what remains of this shambles.

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