81.  Any race victory can be worth up to 185 points.

82.  Any rapprochement between moderate Taliban leaders and the royalists could constitute a breakthrough in the quest for a new government.

83.  Denver challenged a federal appeals court decision that said four class-action fraud lawsuits involving the sale of airport bonds can go to trial.

84.  Denver could be eliminated from contention for a division title as early as next Monday night's game against the 49ers.

85.  Denver could beat us, and until they're able to win the AFC championship at the end of the year, they're not better than we are.

86.  Denver could easily have ommitted such incidents from his book, but he did not.

87.  Denver could sneak into the playoffs.

88.  Denver has no one person that strikes fear in a defense, which means the Spurs can't be beaten; they can only beat themselves.

89.  Denver microbiologist John Gerdes testified earlier this month that PCR works well in sterile environments, but could falter with evidence collected at messy crime scenes.

90.  Denver said, waiting for air traffic controllers to confirm they could trace his signal.

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