1.  In evening some hotels and street restaurant are on business, you can see many beautiful lights at the building.

2.  Every year, Guang Zhou holds once business in Chinese enter port and export exchange.

3.  Most international business letters are written in English, too.

4.  They are doing good business.

5.  Travellers and business people both at home and abroad have been greatly helped by this new computer.

6.  I thank Miss, you make me know that some things are one of my business, so it is not necessary for me to speak at great length on some questions .

7.  Travellers and business people both at home and abroad have been greatly helped by this new computer.

8.  They are doing good business.

9.  The shop which sell them has many business.

10.  Computer can do much things such as doing business, shopping, relaxation and so on.

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