1.  Denise Kirk and Kathy Lobdell, book nearly 150 shows per year.

2.  Description: One of the most comprehensive airline sites where you can also rent a car and book a hotel room.

3.  Depending on availability, both also offer round-trip fares booked at the last minute, at about $550.

4.  Despite a gripping hesitation, I booked a room for the weekend.

5.  Delphi also booked $8 billion of new business with GM.

6.  Delta recently inked a deal for the exclusive right to book seats on 45 new regional jets ordered by Atlantic Coast Airlines, based near Washington, D.C.

7.  Delta said it will make other travel arrangements for passengers it had booked on future KAL flights.

8.  Delta stopped booking passengers on Korean 2 years ago after a string of crack-ups at KAL.

9.  Demand from coffee roasters is lackluster before the peak winter demand season, because they booked coffee beans in May amid concern that supply shortages would send prices higher.

10.  DeSena went to a pay phone and booked seats on the next Amtrak train bound for Los Angeles _ in a week.

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