1.  A bankrupt must deliver up all his books, papers and records.

2.  A big jar of purple wild flowers and eucalyptus stood on the top of a pile of library books.

3.  A book lay open on the table.

4.  A careful read of this book will show that underpinning it is a terrible truth.

5.  A cheque book and an airline ticket - that is all it needed to bathe in that heat so far away.

6.  A copy of the book lay on the table, its cover facing upwards.

7.  A couple of other books are worthy of mention.

8.  A couple of sections of the book will need to be revised.

9.  A date book would make a great gift, except that a lot of people already have one.

10.  A debate is raging now in finance circles and Congress over whether the value of derivatives should be recorded in corporate books.

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