31.  As far as I am concerned, those arguments about the innate differences between men and women are shallow.

32.  And nowadays, we are still calling for equalities between men and women.

33.  Regardless of the differences between men and women, being vocal that men and women play the same role is another form of inequality.

34.  With roaring social development, the boundary between men and women's roles get vaguer and vaguer.

35.  After three waves of feminism, women seemed to cross the old boundary between family and career and fight for their place in fields like science and business.

36.  So far as I am concerned, the differences between men and women are not a problem of inequality but a born-gift presented by God which created the diversity of nature which makes the world beautiful.

37.  It seems harder and harder to make a distinction between the roles of men and women.

38.  From this example we can draw a conclusion that sometimes the replacement between men and women may lead to chaos.

39.  The antagonism between the new and the old ideas may cause severe disorder or even havoc, and this can easily make social efficiency reduce.

40.  On the other hand, natural differences between men and women still exist.

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