1.  I am a student major in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language so it is quite essential to make advantage of stereotyping instead of being obstructed by it, which, I believe, would bring me more surprise when teaching.

2.  As a result, being admitted to prestigious university is a dream for students in developing areas.

3.  Paper is being wasted, which means trees are being wasted.

4.  Finally, the stereotype comes into being.

5.  My first point is what we think about university before being a member of it.

6.  Being well equipped with knowledge is much better than being "naked".

7.  Students dream and aim at being admitted in universities.

8.  I left them impressions as being more experienced, more brilliant and as being more capable than the other participants.

9.  I was so used to being petted and noticed that I totally couldn't calm down and concentrate on the preparation.

10.  Also, the big trees block the sunlight and make the students can read outside without being exposed under the sunshine.

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