81.  A completely specific statement of document content would have to be the text of the document itself.

82.  A comprehensive package of benefits would be guaranteed for all legal residents in the state, regardless of employment status.

83.  A comprehensive review of the patient can be achieved through the use of the care plan.

84.  A compromise must be found which will allow both sides in the dispute to save face.

85.  A condition of running it through the grounds was that it be made quite invisible and inaudible from the house.

86.  A confrontation is really going to be counterproductive for everyone.

87.  A conservation easement can be sold or donated, with a tax break based on its value.

88.  A considerable injection of resources will be required to provide the managerial and technological expertise called for in the White Paper.

89.  A constant water supply can not be guaranteed in sandy or rocky soils in a low-rainfall area.

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