41.  A barn was attached on the left side and the whole place stood in the centre of a stone courtyard.

42.  A barren cat, she reminded herself quickly, is just as happy.

43.  A barrier had risen where no barrier had been before.

44.  A barrier layer cell has too slow a response time to be used in instruments that have a chopper.

45.  A basic assumption was that they would be the experts on everything.

46.  A basic but often misunderstood principle is that intelligence information.

47.  A basic economic assumption in a Market economy is the continual adjustment of supply and demand toward an equilibrium point.

48.  A basic issue between Paul and the Corinthian problem children was over a proper understanding of the self.

49.  A basic slo-cooker is an earthenware pot, with a lid, set in a metal frame that contains a heating element.

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