81.  They want to give some money to this project so that the number of these deer in China can be increased.

82.  From this day, I can be active to do more exercises .

83.  Now, their practice has finished, they will be away .

84.  They seemed to be nervous and were to anxious to get the papers, so professor didn't trust them.

85.  I love Beijing and I hope that she will be made better and better.

86.  But I Decid to be a teacher of meddle school.

87.  Its flower smells wonderful and its seeds (we all say that it is sunflower seeds) are nice to eat and can also be made into oil.

88.  The party will be held at the roof garden of the main building.

89.  There will be music, dancing, singing, playing game and exchanging gifts in the party.

90.  There will be surprise to everybody.

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