1.  Five years ago, if you were a quarterfinalist in a Grand Slam, you were doing the best for the Australians.

2.  For instance, if you want a slightly concave edge on a 6-foot board, you could do a good job of it with a smooth plane.

3.  Generally when kids donated they were doing the bidding of proud parents.

4.  Four years ago, when the Rockets swept the Orlando Magic in the NBA Finals and Olajuwon was unmatched in the game, O'Neal could do nothing about it.

5.  Heck, if the tables were turned, I might do that, too.

6.  Heck, if they'll stand up and cheer Roy Tarpley, for heaven's sakes, they'll do cartwheels over an ashamed, sincerely penitent Michael Irvin.

7.  However, if Rice wants to compete with Nebraska, the defense must do more than rise to the occasion.

8.  However, if you believe the comments of former Dallas Coach Jimmy Johnson, Reeves didn't do such a good job tutoring quarterback Dave Brown last season.

9.  In fact, if your dad's PC has Windows 98 Second Edition, a built-in feature called Internet Access Sharing will do the trick.

10.  Indeed, if a recent industry survey is right, Claris is doing a good job of achieving that balance.

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