1.  As a consequence, few want to hear that its much-touted effectiveness may be in doubt for women under age 50.

2.  As a consequence, Sens. Kay Bailey Hutchison and Phil Gramm want to see Congress do something about illegal immigration before it even thinks about legal immigration.

3.  As a result, he wants both sides to spend the next few months accumulating and exchanging information, analyzing documents and taking depositions.

4.  As a result, just about every game and computer magazine wants to reprint Lara's sexy image.

5.  As a result, most advisers in the Bush camp wanted the U.S. Supreme Court to settle the issue.

6.  Defensively, the Bulldogs wanted to force Kansas outside, where it has had trouble all season.

7.  Defensively, the Eagles wanted to limit the Giants' ground game as much as possible.

8.  Defensively, you want to keep him between the tackles.

9.  Currently, the Republicans on Capitol Hill want to cut OSHA's $312 million budget and shift its focus to teaching employers how to prevent workplace injuries.

10.  Ditto for Riverbrooke Properties, which wants to build 246 houses on 209 acres on Old Atlanta Road.

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