1.  Of course, college life include a sensitive yet sweet experience, that is falling in love with a right girl/boy.

2.  Thirdly, the part includes the comparison between old and new backbones.

3.  Currently, the index of the scientific literacy includes an understanding of scientific process plus vocabulary.

4.  Here, the word "environment" includes many aspects, such as cultural and natural conditions.

5.  Finally, as the factor contributing to an academic subjects' significant growth, they include many apart from sharing the outsiders' intelligence, such as the long-term academic accumulation, the appropriate social and economic support, the good-timing birth of geniuses and so on.

6.  Nowadays the problems always include several fields of study.

7.  In addition, other risks to the polar bear include limited life expectancy less than 25 years on an average.

8.  Besides, other situations include information asymmetries or uncertainty which arise where one party to a transaction has more or better information than the other party, incomplete markets where buyers and sellers do not know enough about each other's positions, price stickiness and macroeconomic instability as well.

9.  Actually, the "memorying"includes two aspects, investing your past and learning lessons from it.

10.  Generally speaking, physiological conditioning includes two aspects, the innate and the acquired.

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