71.  Any signs of human travel are washed away with occasional high water.

72.  Derivatives, such as futures and options, are based on an underlying asset, such as a currency, bond or stock.

73.  Derived from marine algae, they are already included in baby formulas in 60 countries.

74.  Dermatologists are further concerned that patients are getting the wrong message from antioxidant products.

75.  Dermatologists now are using lasers and intense pulses of light to get rid of unwanted hair.

76.  Dermatologists used to tending acne and skin cancer are surgically sucking out fat cells and smoothing out wrinkles _ the very cosmetic work plastic surgeons were schooled in.

77.  Degas' sculptures are crowded together in a small gallery nearby.

78.  Degradation and abuse of the language are routinely rationalized.

79.  Degree programs are tied to the economy."

80.  Dehydrated spices are used to keep the mix from becoming too wet, and brown sugar is added as a food coloring and sweetener.

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