61.  I said to myself so often, but never had any real action.

62.  So in the past few years, my English had not any progress.

63.  None of these constituencies should be uncertain about any aspects of our vision for the future.

64.  Obviously, high grades are not the only aim any more.

65.  I have finished the role reversal from then on, I am not only a student any more, I am on the point of stepping into the society.

66.  I can say that without any exaggeration that learning English decides my future.

67.  At least I didn't get any confidence from my performance of English learning during the past 4 years.

68.  Relying on rich endowments of natural resources and cheap labor, without any contribution of local "intellectual added value", will be a dead-end for development.

69.  As our first principle goes: "Quality, the life of the company", we need to adhere to that rule under any circumstances.

70.  The market can give an acute response to any unreasonable prices which is over or underestimated its real value.

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