1.  A backhoe dug down to the damaged culvert in the bottom while a crew assembled another culvert up on top.

2.  A beautiful biblical woman named Abigail is responsible for yet another version.

3.  A black BMW swerved, narrowly missing another car.

4.  A by-product of cheesemaking on farms led to another product which was to bring fame to the name of Ayrshire.

5.  A conciliatory gesture, some argued, would appease the cardinal and Holy Trinity would live to fight another day.

6.  A Deceitful day that makes one think of lilacs and daffodils, before blasting you with another cannonade of winter.

7.  A doctor who moves to another state must apply for a license to practice medicine there.

8.  A drifting cloud disappeared against some invisible line and began to emerge in another part of the sky altogether.

9.  A fellow trader talking to another thrift president on another line overheard DiNapoli and cracked up.

10.  A few days before the midair save, another orb had been successfully recovered after a gentle landing in the sea.

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