1.  A complete breakdown of budget talks could push rates back up, at least temporarily, analysts concede.

2.  A corporate financial analyst then pointed out that the compensation formula Dave had developed would be impracticable on a company-wide level.

3.  A few of the very best analysts, months into their new jobs, lost their will to live normal lives.

4.  A few weeks ago, many stock Market analysts cautioned investors against extravagant expectations for the new year.

5.  A major responsibility of budget analysts is to provide advice and technical assistance in the preparation of annual budgets.

6.  A multi-service approach keeps customers loyal, executives and analysts said.

7.  After sloughing off Payless, May could turn its attention to acquisitions, possibly of other department stores, analysts said.

8.  After studying accountancy at Chicago University, he worked on and off as an investment analyst.

9.  After this review process, budget analysts consolidate the individual department budgets into operating and capital budget summaries.

10.  Alarcon effectively turned his political weakness into political strength, analysts say.

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