31.  A feature of all these quotes is that they conflate the social and the personal.

32.  A few astronomers have raised doubts about this extrapolation from ordinary galaxies to all extragalactic objects.

33.  A few children were assembling all the props on a table over by the far wall.

34.  A few seconds after the explosion the street was full of panic-stricken people, fleeing in all directions.

35.  A fierce gale, huge waves, and a drenching rain bear down upon the frail whaling ship with all their might.

36.  A fifth of all freshwater fish are either extinct or endangered.

37.  A fifth of all road fatalities are caused by people not wearing seatbelts.

38.  A firm belief in the priesthood of all believers means that singing belongs to the whole congregation as well as to the choir.

39.  A formal papal judgement on this point would have dispelled all doubts.

40.  A fortuitous fire destroyed all evidence of his wrongdoing.

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