41.  And even if the agency avoids further scathing, it is likely to become a hot target in the presidential race.

42.  And officials of federal, international and California agencies regard it as a potential or probable carcinogen.

43.  And the agency hired by the state to prepare such a plan has refused Knapman as a client.

44.  And the state agencies that administer the funds are running out of money.

45.  And, the story about government agencies and drug dealing is not new either.

46.  Another advertising agency, Future Image, has broadened the base of its activities with an extension into design and print.

47.  Another harvest has failed, and international aid agencies warn of the threat of mass starvation.

48.  Are there not shops or agencies to which you can send off parcels?

49.  As far as Marenches was concerned, the most important thing for a Western intelligence agency was to stop the spread of Communism.

50.  As people in other staff agencies sought to perform differently and better they also improvised, learned, and changed.

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