41.  Depending on the chunkiness of the salsa, an 8-ounce container is usually enough to lightly dress 1 pound pasta; add more as desired.

42.  Depending on the employee, management may want to heed the warning and give an employee a raise or other incentive, Mingle added.

43.  Depending on the models, the options would add $106.5 million to $153 million to the order.

44.  Depending on the reception the concept gets from the market, a parallel fund for retail investors could be added by the end of next year.

45.  Depending on the rest of the meal, I add a quarter finely chopped apple (skin on for color) and/or raisins.

46.  Depending on the size of the potato pieces, you might want to add those first to give them a little extra time to cook.

47.  Depending on the type of machine you have, you may have to add the memory modules in certain slots, or upgrade with pairs of modules.

48.  Depositions were "more effective than calling live witnesses," which wouldn't have added any new evidence anyway, Hutchison said.

49.  Depositions will be difficult to takem, while money to pay grand juries could run dry, Barnes added.

50.  Despair Inc. accepts orders only through its Web site, although Kersten and associates are working on adding a toll-free number.

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