1.  Any relaxation of the sanctions regime will almost certainly help him a bit, at least in his presumed ambitions to wage biological war.

2.  As a chef with a sophisticated clientele, Mohr keeps his approach to comfort foods a bit on the exotic side.

3.  Culebra remains unsullied, in part, because it is a bit tricky to get there.

4.  Derway tinkered a bit and discovered that if he encased the Pop Rocks in a thin chocolate-flavored coating, the fizz would be preserved.

5.  Cultural distance, however, is a bit harder to kill, especially when company and customer are talking to each other on the telephone.

6.  Depending on the course of interest rates, one or the other might do a bit better in terms of total return.

7.  Cumbajin and five fellow Ecuadoreans said they never received a bit of training in the seven months they've been in the United States.

8.  Dell, which sells its products directly by phone or mail order, costs a bit more but offers robust equipment and better service.

9.  Despite abundant sunshine in the Southeast, temperatures in most areas will be a bit below the seasonal average.

10.  Despite advances in the technology and convenience of ticket-buying, the path to Broadway remains a bit mystifying, frustrating and even intimidating.

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