1.  As a result, she and Wiberg, to a lesser extent, had stirred somewhat grandiose talk of a sweep of all five Alpine ski events.

2.  As for whether you will have "enough" for retirement at age 50 or 55, I'm firing into the dark to a certain extent.

3.  DiPaolo adds, "To a certain extent, he still is."

4.  During the past decade, African-Americans left, too, but to a lesser extent.

5.  Duffy played a key role in the casino rejection, and Collier was involved to a lesser extent.

6.  During World War II, American women worried about their men and, to a certain extent, became their men.

7.  Engineers believe the tip of one of the arrays is twisted by 18 inches and the tip of the second by a lesser extent.

8.  Everybody has grown to a certain extent and everybody had to change to a certain extent.

9.  Fashion in Paris, and to a lesser extent in Milan and New York, asks the question, "Who do I want to be?"

10.  Father John Gremmels, a priest at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in the Fort Worth suburb of Keller, agrees _ to a certain extent.

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