81.  The committee was formed in the last decade to help police combat crimes, especially kidnappings.

82.  The company called for emergency measures to be taken to combat crime.

83.  The group announced last August that it had formed to combat increasing crime.

84.  The government has been urged to take a firmer stand on law and order in recent months to combat increasing crime triggered by worsening economic hardships.

85.  The leaders were expected to discuss ways to combat economic crimes, among other things.

86.  The legislature unanimously approved on Friday a proposal to send army troops into the streets to combat crime.

87.  The participants will discuss cooperation in the fight against terrorism, as well as security measures aimed at combatting crime, particularly drug trafficking.

88.  The members of the delegation urged the President, to instruct all concerned to combat such crimes ruthlessly and to ensure that culprits are given exemplary punishment.

89.  The raids were part of a campaign aimed at combating copyright crime in the kingdom, said the Dubai-based Business Software Alliance.

90.  The participants are discussing cooperation in the fight against terrorism, as well as security measures aimed at combatting crime, particularly drug trafficking.

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