61.  It raised the bar.

62.  It raised the likelihood of harsher German measures against Kurdish militants living in Germany.

63.  It raised the question about the timing of the next rate cut.

64.  It raised the specter of thousands of corporate bankruptcies, sending Asian stock and currencies into a tailspin.

65.  It raises all its operating expenses from investment income and fees for its services.

66.  It raises furs from animals such as marmots, which are like prairie dogs.

67.  It raises the cost of borrowing to slow growth and stifle inflation.

68.  It raises the funds through rental income.

69.  It raises the question, though, of whether a soulless Web site can produce lyrics on par with the pop poetry that these bands produce.

70.  It raised its head in a way unlike garden-variety snakes.

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