51.  But she said she was reassured when the caller, who gave his name as Brad Wilson, said he was sending her flowers.

52.  But Netscape has much greater penetration among college students, who often are given its browser as part of their school networks.

53.  But the feds ought to give Hoffa as good a going over as Carey has gotten.

54.  But this firm theological stand against reform or even moderation in his own church also gave him clout as a mediator in other areas.

55.  Cheney said he had urged Bush to give the orders as a precaution against a terrorist strike.

56.  Consider giving a book as a gift instead.

57.  Conventional wisdom always gave bragging rights as the cradle of bobsledding to the Swiss, a country known for its snowy Alps and fierce devotion to winter sports.

58.  Cooper, twice an All-Star with the Boston Red Sox, could give Lockhart competition as the backup for third baseman Craig Paquette.

59.  Derian Hatcher was given the Memorial Cup as top defenseman, and Grant Marshall was selected Most Improved in a vote by local media.

60.  Doubts seemed to lift when the guest gave his name as Grant and they got in free, even meeting the featured musician.

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