41.  The size of that step may have increased after a mock trading session on the FOEX before the February start of trading.

42.  The subsidy could be increased by Congress to provide affordable insurance for millions of people.

43.  The size of the governing board would be increased from five to seven, three of whom would come specifically from San Francisco.

44.  The works of art on display have been increased in number, brought closer to viewers and arranged in a more complete historical context.

45.  Their numbers have been increasing in recent years, to the chagrin of the artists, event planners and self-proclaimed freaks who claim Burning Man as their own.

46.  Unscheduled absences for reasons other than illness have been increasing in recent years.

47.  Public anger over the deaths of Israeli soldiers in Lebanon has been increasing in the past year, with growing pressure for a withdrawal.

48.  Public pressure has been increasing on the Israeli government to end its military occupation of southern Lebanon because of mounting Israeli casualties.

49.  Armed robbery in the northern parts of the country has been increasing since an army rebellion officially ended last July.

50.  Chances of the bacterium which causes the disease being transmitted could be increased by poor ventilation on flights of over eight hours, WHO said.

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