31.  But in recent years, religious violence has increased in Islamic Pakistan, where Sunni Muslims comprise the majority.

32.  But violence has increased as the campaign has gotten into full swing.

33.  But such violence has steadily increased on suburban trains and buses.

34.  But the violence has increased in recent weeks, culminating in the apparent massacre last week in Racak.

35.  Croats of Kistanje, fearing violence would increase to Kosovo, are increasingly nervous.

36.  Despite tougher laws, with mandatory prison sentences for acid-throwing and rape, violence against women increases every year, according to police and human rights groups.

37.  Even without an election, violence has been increasing in Jamaica.

38.  In a report last week, U.N. Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali said violence has increased in southern Lebanon in the last six months.

39.  In addition, the recent Israeli-Palestinian violence increases the possibility of violence in Pakistan, the State Department said.

40.  Inkatha opposes any delay and has warned violence could increase if the election was put off.

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