11.  Companies are having difficulty in raising capital.

12.  I am negotiating with financiers to raise seed capital for my latest venture.

13.  We may have to divest assets to raise capital.

14.  Being public limited companies, the investment trusts can raise debt capital and gear their portfolios.

15.  Unlike the investment trust, the unit trust cannot raise capital by selling debt, its capital rises with the sale of units to the public.

16.  Raising equity capital is invariably more expensive than raising debt capital.

17.  The advantages of an introduction for a company are lower costs and the benefit of having the market price of the shares before raising further capital.

18.  Additional capital is raised by either rights issues or placings.

19.  These rights may be waived by the shareholders at a general meeting so that the new capital may be raised by means of a placing.

20.  Yet I think you underestimate the difficulties of raising such capital.

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