1.  Details can then be worked out.

2.  Details of how the camera will be used are still being worked out.

3.  Details of that combination will be worked out over the next few weeks, said de Saint Phalle.

4.  Details of the agreement were worked out in two rounds of secret talks between Undersecretary of State Peter Tarnoff and Cuban National Assembly President Ricardo Alarcon.

5.  Details of the plan have already been worked out between IMF experts and officials from the Russian Finance Ministry and the Central Bank.

6.  Details of the plan will be worked out with the retail industry before the supervisors give final approval, expected in several weeks.

7.  Details of the United States' new financial agreement with Israel were still being worked out.

8.  Details on how the No. 1 and No. 2 teams will be determined for the championship game haven't been worked out.

9.  Details were still being worked out.

10.  Details and contracts were still being worked on late Sunday.

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